
Social media users dismiss Annuar’s RUU355 offer as a ploy

Yap Pik Kuan7 years ago8th Oct 2017News

MALAYSIANS on Facebook were quick to dismiss Umno information chief Annuar Musa’s offer to cooperate with PAS to amend the Shariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, or RUU355, as a ploy to trick the Islamist party as the next general election looms.

Annuar was quoted as saying last night said that Umno was open to discussions with PAS on the issue. He said both parties should find common ground for the benefit of the people, especially those in Kelantan.

Some commentators on Facebook saw the offer as an act of desperation.

Lee Chun Hwa and Harris Lim called it a “desperado” move.

“Nampaknya Umno is desperate,” wrote another user Francis Ting. (Looks like Umno is desperate.)

Idris Daud said the RUU355 amendment would not result in anything as the tabling and debate of the motion kept getting postponed.

“Lagi sekali PAS kena tipu dengan Annuar Musa. RUU355 tak kan jadi hudud tak jadi apa pun cakap kosong saja. Yang nak bentag asyik tangguh saja. Dapat duit habis lupa apa erti Islam sebenar.” 

(PAS will be tricked again by Annuar Musa. RUU355 will not become hudud or anything, just empty talk. The tabling keeps getting postponed. Once they get money, they forget the true meaning of Islam.)

Rosihan Amri described Annuar’s offer as a tall tale, asking, “Berapa kali mau kelentong daaa???”

(How many times do you want to lie?)

In April, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang became the first opposition MP to table a private member’s bill in the Dewan Rakyat.

His bill to ammend RUU355 sought to give shariah courts the authority to impose 30-year prison terms, RM100,000 fines and 100 strokes of the cane.

PAS has yet to respond to Annuar’s offer, but Facebook users expect the Islamist party to take up the offer.

But many expect PAS to be deceived by Umno.

“PAS will be cheated..again…again and again….,” said Nasir Yahya.

“Nak tipu lagi….PAS….are you soooo…..stupid..??” wrote Damian Tuan. (Want to lie again? PAS, are you so stupid?)

Others said Umno can never be trusted even to the end of days.

“Bila la PAS will never belajar never to trust Umno?” said David F T Chong. (When will PAS learn to never trust Umno?)

“Umno tak habih-habih menipu..kalau PAS percaya juga dengan Umno tak tahu lah..sampai kiamat Umno ni tak boleh dipercayai,” said Sofian Abdullah. (Umno can’t stop lying. If PAS buys it, I don’t know lah. Until the end of days, Umno cannot be trusted.)

Meanwhile, user Walid Aqeel said Barisan Nasional should amend the bill as it was the responsibility of the government to protect religion, and not an opposition party like PAS.

“X pyh la bantu, tiada istilah bantu PAS dlm meminda RUU355, pemerkasaan mhkamah syariah tu bkn tugas pembangkang mcm PAS pun, itu tugas BN yg tgh menguasai kerajaan skrng n bertanggungjawab menjaga agama n keadilan utk rakyat, pinda la ruu 355 tu sendiri. Ingat peranan masing2 la.. Ini YB x taw ape yg dia ckp..”

(Don’t need to help. Helping PAS amend RUU355 is not the issue. Strengthening the shariah courts is not the opposition’s responsibility. That’s the duty and responsibility of BN who is the government of the day to protect the religion and justice for the people. Amend the act on your own. Know your role. Annuar Musa doesn’t know what he’s talking about.) – October 8, 2017.
