
Stop shifting blame on 1MDB, social media users tell Najib

Yap Pik Kuan7 years ago24th Oct 2017News

MALAYSIANS on Facebook and Twitter are hitting out at Prime Minister Najib Razak for saying that 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) funds were used to solve issues started by a former leader.

“Lopsided power agreements” signed by a former leader were among the issues Najib referred to in a blog post earlier today.

Facebook users like Vijay Vasudevan were quick to call Najib out for pointing fingers instead of taking responsibility for the mismanagement of the state investor fund.

“Please have the decency, dignity and honesty of not blaming the past leadership for your financial mistakes, misappropriation of public funds, extravagant lifestyle, shopping spree, expensive holidays etc of you, your family and some of your fellow minister’s,” Vijay commented.

Jadamuni Jadathara accused Najib of making up stories to cover his own lack of governance, pointing out that he stayed quiet when he was in the cabinet of the “former leader”.

“Kau dah tak boleh tadbir dengan baik..mcm2 cerita kau create!

“U pun dalam kabinet menteri juga dulu…masa tue kepit kepit diam…sekarang kepit kepit menipu,” wrote Jadamuni.

(Because you can’t govern well, you make up all sorts of stories. You were a cabinet minister. Last time, you stayed quiet. Now, you make up lies.)

User Mislan Rafen took a guess at the identity of the “leader”, pointing out that the prime minister before Najib was Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

“Tak habis habis asyik nak salahkan orang. Pemimpin sebelum engkau PakLah,” said Mislan.

(Always blaming other people. The leader before you was Pak Lah.)

Najib did not name the leader in his blog post, but Bersatu chairman Dr Mahathir  Mohamad has been vocal over the 1MDB issue, accusing Najib of embezzling money from the state investment arm.

Other users are asking for auditor-general’s report on 1MDB, which is protected under the Official Secrets Act 1972, to be declassified.

Guna Rethinasamy resorted to sarcasm to “praise” Najib for his “genius” and “economic knowledge”.

“Wah this fler is a genius. Well done najib. So can u now declassify the AG’s report on 1mdb. I’m truly impressed by your economic knowledge. Keep it up. Soon we will have zero external debts. Yay,” he wrote.

Meanwhile, Md Noor Sapari questioned why 1MDB did not get the same treatment as Bank Negara’s forex losses in the early 1990s, which saw the government forming a royal commission of inquiry recently.

“Kenapa tak dedahkan macam Forex RCI ? From day one until today,” he said.

(Why not expose it like the RCI into the forex losses?)

Ahpooki Tai asked who would take responsibility for issues related to 1MDB.

“Lepas ni, siapa akan selesaikan masalah 1MDB pula?” said the user.

(After this, who will solve 1MDB’s problems?)

On Twitter, Jason Ng (@ByJasonNg) asked the same question, tweeting:

Other users like khalidkarim (@khalidkarim) and Bersatu supreme council member, Rais Hussin (@raishussin), were left speechless and only responded with laughing emoticons.

– October 24, 2017.
