
Moves afoot to make Najib BN chairman

SM Amin5 years ago12th Dec 2019News
Najib razak tanjung piai 20191114 hasnoor 010
Former prime minister Najib Razak still has grassroots support and is a popular figure among voters as evident when he campaigned in Tg Piai at the by-election last month. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Hasnoor Hussain, December 12, 2019.

THERE are moves to make Najib Razak chairman of Barisan Nasional again, a post that is traditionally filled by the president of Umno, BN’s lynchpin party, party sources said.

The campaign is headed by people close to Najib and took place in meetings that coincided with the recently concluded Umno annual general assembly between December 4 and 7, they told The Malaysian Insight.

The meetings with division leaders and the Wanita, Youth and Puteri wings were in the form of lunches or dinners outside the venue of the AGM and not part of the assembly.

Some of those present at the meetings said Najib’s aides handed out between RM400 and RM5,000.

However, Jamal Yunos, a division chief close to Najib, who knew of these meetings, denied that the gatherings were to campaign for support for the former BN chairman.

Jamal said it was the Umno grassroots who asked Najib for help to raise funds for their programmes.

A source from Umno Youth present at one of these gatherings said initially, he thought it was the usual get-together with an Umno personality.

“But then the master of ceremonies said it was for the Youth chiefs to support Najib as BN chairman. Many of those present were shocked and the majority did not agree with this. We felt played out.

“But we didn’t say or do anything as we did not want to embarrass Najib,” said the source who ata dinner at the Riverside restaurant at the Putra World Trade Centre.

Youth leaders were uncomfortable as this move will affect the positions of the respective BN chairmen at the division level.

Current Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has, in the past, offered to appoint Najib as BN chairman but the coalition decided against it and instead appointed him as BN adviser.

“There shouldn’t be a campaign to force the president to let go of the BN chairmanship,” the Umno Youth source said.

“If Najib wants to return, he should wait for the next party elections. We have to be loyal to the current leadership.”

At the end of the programme, Najib’s people handed out envelopes containing RM400 to each of the Umno Youth chiefs, the source said.

The envelopes were repeated in gatherings with Wanita and Puteri Umno members held the next day.

At the recently concluded Umno general assembly, Najib Razak’s ‘people’ allegedly tried to buy support for the former party president to return as BN chairman. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Hasnoor Hussain, December 12, 2019.

Sources in Wanita and Puteri said they, too, received RM400. But both Wanita and Puteri officials said there was no talk about supporting Najib’s return as BN chairman.

“In the meeting with Wanita members, there was no word about getting support. Najib’s officers also didn’t say anything. But we did receive RM400 each,” said a Wanita official.

“Najib just talked about what he was doing and he thanked Wanita for always coming to court to support him,” said the Wanita official.

The same occurred during the gathering with Puteri members said a source from the wing but there was no overt solicitation for support.

But the Puteri source said she was told later the money was to support Najib.

“If he wanted help, there’s no problem but if there’s an ulterior motive, then it’s not right,” said the Puteri official.

“We’ve already lost, why are we restarting this culture of giving money (to get support)?” said the Puteri official uncomfortable with the gift.

An Umno division chief claimed that “Najib’s people” handed out RM5,000 to each of the division leaders in their own gatherings.

“When they give money, what else is it for but to get support? Hishammuddin also gave some but not to everyone,” said the source, referring to vice-president Hishammuddin Hussein.

Jamal, the Sg Besar division chief, reiterated that the cash was in response to pleas for aids from the wings.

“The wings asked him for help. Najib told them that he could not afford to help them financially because he has to pay his lawyers. So maybe he tried getting help from some of his friends.”

Jamal is disappointed that the aid is misconstrued as an attempt by Najib to lobby for support.

“There were about 150 Umno Youth leaders that day. In the meeting, Najib did not lobby for support to be the BN chairman,” said Jamal.

“Najib only talked about the struggle. If his people (lobbied), then they should be criticised. Why attack Najib? I was a witness, Najib didn’t ask for any post.”

Jamal added that the offer to head BN came from Zahid himself when the latter returned to his duties as Umno president after taking a brief leave of absence.

“Zahid wanted Najib’s help to turn BN into an effective opposition.”

Jamal, however, said the former president is able to explain issues that are close to the people.

“He (Najib) has proven capabilities. He is qualified because he has the aura and has driven many campaigns. Maybe there are people who fear Najib’s return will threaten their own positions.” – December 12, 2019.
