
Najib good at shifting focus away from his wrongdoings, Adam Adli says

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Youth activist Adam Adli Abdul Halim says convicted former prime minister Najib Razak has been clever in rebranding himself and pulling a veil over his crimes. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Seth Akmal, October 16, 2021.

CONVICTED former prime minister Najib Razak has succeeded in using sentiment to make the public “forget” about his wrongdoings, prominent student activist and PKR’s latest member Adam Adli Abdul Halim said.

“Najib has fought back so well that these days people don’t even pay attention to his cases, he has succeeded in shifting public opinion of his image,” Adam told The Malaysian Insight.

This, unfortunately, is the reality of society and the pervasiveness of social media now, the former student activist said.

The public’s lack of trust in institutions, authorities and the media, makes it easier for them to be exploited, he added.

“You can throw a thousand facts to the public, but if one shifts and strengthens a sentiment, then facts will not matter,” he said.

Adam – who was interviewed in conjunction with his joining PKR, which is seeking younger and prominent activists to woo youth voters in the coming general election – said society now was “post-truth” where sentiments and feelings were more important than facts.

He said in such a situation, politicians have the responsibility to tell the public the facts – in this case, Najib’s wrongdoings.

“Just because the public easily forgets the wrongdoings of leaders, does not mean you (politicians) should too,” he said.

“Politicians must stand their ground and hold to their principles.”

Najib, who is the Pekan MP, is facing multiple corruption charges over funds belonging to state investment firm 1Malaysia Development Bhd.

He was found guilty of multiple charges linked to RM42 million of SRC International funds, and was sentenced to 12 years in prison and fined RM210 million. He is currently appealing the verdict.

Adam said Najib has rebranded himself so well that the public has forgotten his crimes.

“At first, we thought he was making a fool out of himself because he tried to appear as this cool and young person, but he fought you know?

“He didn’t fight just in courts, but outside too,” he said.

Alongside his court hearings, Najib has been active on social media, rebranding himself with the Bossku moniker, which gained popularity.

He also popularised the slang “Malu apa, Bossku?” (Boss, what’s there to be ashamed of?) which gained wide traction in the Malay community.

Although the phrase is used less now, Najib is still active on Facebook, criticising his political enemies in Pakatan Harapan and the government alike, the latter of which his party Umno is part.

He has been especially vocal on topics concerning welfare, the economy and the government’s handling of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Adam said people should not allow sentiments to shift or blur the focus when it comes to important issues such as corruption, adding that there will always be a hardcore group of supporters that will defend a leader’s wrongdoings, no matter what.

“Which is why I would like to remind politicians and political mobilisers that just because the public forgets, does not mean you should too.

“You must constantly remind them,” he added. – October 16, 2021.
