
Don’t expect to be candidates if you come back, Umno ‘traitors’ told

Pau2021 march 17, 2022 tmi afif 09
Umno Youth chief Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki says the party’s doors are open to its ‘traitors’, but they should not expect to be fielded as candidates again. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Afif Abd Halim, March 17, 2022.

UMNO is open to welcoming back its traitors but they cannot dictate any terms, Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki said.

“They can still come back to Umno if they want to. Our doors are always open but they will have to get back in line and don’t expect to be fielded as candidates again,” said Asyraf during his opening speech at the 2021 Umno Youth assembly at the World Trade Centre today. 

Hitting out at Perikatan Nasional (PN), Asyraf said former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin had corrupted the democratic process with his “scheme of things”. 

“Abah (Muhyiddin’s moniker) thought he could buy Umno people with money and positions.

“But the majority of Umno members, especially the Pemuda, have proven their loyalty cannot be traded for positions. Our struggle cannot be replaced by money or projects,” Asyraf told the 971 youth delegates. 

Between 2018 and 2020, PN’s lead party Bersatu took in 15 Umno MPs into the party. Bersatu also accepted 10 PKR MPs who defected to them, causing the fall of the Pakatan Harapan government in 2020. 

Among the Umno MPs who crossed over are current ministers Mustapa Mohamed, Hamzah Zainuddin, Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad, Ronald Kiandee and deputy ministers Mas Ermieyati Samsudin, Noor Azmi Ghazali and Rosol Wahid.

As such, Umno Youth wants the government to enact anti-party hopping laws immediately, he added. 

The youth chief said it has become a necessity to restore voter confidence to the democratic process. 

“Voters must know that their votes were not cast in vain. This country must be decided by the voters and not the 222 elite politicians in Dewan Rakyat.” 

He said Umno Youth also wants the government to separate the functions of the public prosecutor from the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) and table a bill on political financing immediately. 

“The functions of the public prosecutor must be separated from the AGC to guarantee the freedom of the public prosecutor to act. 

“This is based on the principle of fairness and will prevent a conflict of interest when it involves selective prosecution of politicians as the AG is appointed based on the prime minister’s recommendation,” said Asyraf.

The AG cannot advise the government and use his powers to decide on who to prosecute at the same time, said Asyraf. 

Meanwhile, Asyraf said that Umno Youth will also table a resolution to the general assembly to amend the party constitution for party elections to be held only after the general election. 

“This is to prevent any attempts at weakening the party.” 

The 2021 general assembly began yesterday and will end on Saturday. – March 17, 2022.
