
PAS’ extremist stance a ploy to win conservative votes, say analysts

Raevathi Supramaniam2 years ago7th Sep 2022News
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Political analyst James Chin of the Asia Institute at the University of Tasmania says PAS’s behaviour will not benefit its coalition partners in Perikatan Nasional. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, September 7, 2022.

PAS’ extremist stance in calling for the ban of concerts under the guise that they are “un-Islamic” is nothing more than positioning themselves in the lead up to the 15th general election, political analysts said.

They said the Islamist party is only looking to achieve one goal and which is to appeal to the conservative crowd and win their votes.

Hisommudin Bakar, Illham Centre’s executive director said PAS is trying to prove to its hardcore supporters that while it may now be part of the ruling coalition, it has not strayed away from its hardline views.

“PAS is not concerned that such a statement will further alienate non-Malay or non-Muslim voters from supporting the party,” Hisommudin told The Malaysian Insight.

“PAS’ goal is to maintain the support of Malay voters in Malay constituencies, they cannot lose their grip there.”

“The Islamist party believes that, with bold and firm statements, it will be able to maintain the level of support from their supporters.”

Hisomudin said such provocative statements from the Islamist party will benefit them in the three state it controls, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu.

“With such a stance, PAS is also able to shut down the views of some supporters who argued that it has changed after it became part of the government.”

“This can help the party stop the erosion of trust among their loyal supporters who are suspicious of their party leaders in the current government,” he said.

Last month, the PAS youth wing threatened to take to the streets in nationwide protests if Putrajaya continued to allow international concerts in the country.

The wing’s chief, Ahmad Fadhli Shaari, said concerts spread a “culture of hedonism” and go against “the norms and values of Muslim life” in Malaysia.

The PAS ulama council had also said the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) should be given a bigger role so that performances considered un-Islamic can be stemmed.

Yesterday, Federal Territories Minister Shahidan Kassim said concerts by international artistes which have received approval from the authorities will proceed as planned, in an apparent reversal on the issue.

He said concerts that have yet to be approved will be reviewed for compatibility with Malaysian culture.

This is not the first time PAS has called for a ban on concerts, it did so in early 2010 as well, but nothing came of it.

Hisommudin Bakar, Illham Centre’s executive director says PAS is trying to prove to its hardcore supporters that even if it is part of the ruling coalition, it has not strayed away from its hardline views. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, September 7, 2022.

Political analyst James Chin of the Asia Institute at the University of Tasmania said PAS’s behaviour will not benefit its coalition partners in Perikatan Nasional.

“The only way to understand PAS calling for a ban of concerts is that this is a positioning for GE15, it is to appeal to their own conservative voters. They don’t care about anybody else,” Chin said.

“Those who will be hurt when they call for such bans are Gerakan and the Sabah parties in PN.”

“Those parties will be hurt by PAS’ call to ban all these things because they cannot explain to their supporters why they want to be in a coalition with an extremist party like PAS.”

International Islamic University of Malaysia’s Tunku Mohar Tunku Mohd Mokhtar said that PAS should put more energy into other things with more significance.

“In the case of PAS, it needs soul-searching,” Tunku Mohar said.

“It is quick to label things un-Islamic when they are in the opposition. Now that it is in the government, it should impress on the leaders to address these kinds of issues.”

“Also, there are other pressing issues that PAS should be concerned with like corruption, cost of living, public services, which it cannot articulate well.

“Their understanding of Islam is shallow. What they are thinking about is just their conservative constituencies,” he added. – September 7, 2022.
