
Umno youth leaders push for contest of top 2 party posts

Diyana Ibrahim2 years ago28th Dec 2022News
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Umno Youth leaders say president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (left) and his deputy Mohamad Hasan should not be allowed to retain their positions uncontested for another term. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, December 28, 2022.

UMNO must hold elections for its president and deputy president’s positions if that is what the grassroots want, its youth leaders said.

They said not allowing a contest for both positions is tantamount to shutting out members who want elections and giving in to the voices of a minority that does not a contest.

Federal Territories Umno Youth chief Wan Agyl Wan Hassan said as a democratic party, Umno has to take into account the views of all members.

“Umno is a democratic party. Those calling for the positions not to be contested may not be in the majority. But we still have to hold it (the polls) even if those asking for it are in the minority.

“Similarly, if there are grassroots leaders who table a motion for the positions not to be contested, we can’t stop them, but the majority must support it,” he told The Malaysian Insight.

Umno veteran Mohamed Nazri Aziz had said the party should go ahead with its polls without allowing anyone to hold influence over the democratic practice the party has been adhering to for decades.

Nazri said the positions had to be contested to gauge party members’ mood towards the leadership following its dismal performance in the general election.

He was commenting on suggestions by party division chiefs who want the president and deputy president’s posts uncontested to ensure the stability of the party.

Sungai Besar Umno chief Jamal Yunos and Pasir Salak Umno deputy chief Khairul Azwan Harun, among others, had suggested that the two top posts remain uncontested.

Federal Territories Umno Youth chief Wan Agyl Wan Hassan says if there are grassroots leaders who want the party’s top two posts to be uncontested, they need a majority of Umno members to back their motion. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, December 28, 2022.

They said Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Mohamad Hasan should remain president and deputy president for another term, which would mean they would be leading the party into the next general election.

Both won their respective posts after facing challenges in the last party elections in 2018, right after both Umno and Barisan Nasional were defeated in the 2018 general election.

Since then, Zahid has faced severe criticism from some factions in the party. His critics are also unhappy with his decision to support Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Harapan to form the federal government after the general election.

Zahid is now deputy prime minister in Anwar’s cabinet. He also holds the rural and regional development portfolio. Mohamad has been made defence minister.

Most of Zahid’s critics were denied seats in the last national polls or had been sacked from the party.

Wan Agyl said the Umno polls, which has to be held before June next year, has to be viewed in the context of the last general election.

“Personally, I want to see all positions contested.

“The results of the last general election is something we can’t be proud of. We thought we would do better but we did not and lost many seats.

“That is why we need to have a contest for all the posts to see how the majority in the party feel about the leadership.”

Wan Agyl said those calling for no contest should not be seen as members trying to curry favour with the leadership.

Ledang Puteri Umno chief Nadhirah Afiqah said calls not to hold elections for the party’s top two posts were from by apple-polishers in the party.

Umno secretary-general Ahmad Maslan says the party has yet to decide whether its top posts will remain unchallenged. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, December 28, 2022.

Nadhirah told The Malaysian Insight her statement was to defend the rights of the party grassroots, who want the positions contested. 

She said the party leadership had demanded the general election be held early to return the mandate to the people, but the same benchmark is not being applied to the Umno polls. 

“If we are not holding a contest for the top two posts we might as well not hold party elections. 

“Like it or not, the positions have to be contested, as the grassroots want it. 

“Just like in the general election where people have the right to vote for the party they want to form the government. Umno is the same. It has to give the choice back to members to decide on the leadership,” she told The Malaysian Insight.

Yesterday, Umno secretary-general Ahmad Maslan said the party has yet to make a decision on whether to stop the top two posts from being challenged in the coming party polls.

He said the Umno Supreme Council has yet to make any decision but would have two opportunities in the coming weeks to decide if the president and his deputy should be allowed to retain the positions without a challenge.

Umno is set to hold its party polls next month.

“In January, the Supreme Council will hold its monthly meeting as usual and another special meeting will take place on January 12, a day before the general assembly.

“Maybe it will be decided at the special meeting,” said the secretary-general.

Umno was originally supposed to hold its general assembly from December 21 to 24. It was postponed to January 11 to 14. – December 28, 2022.
