
Businesses call for campaign to prep public for plastic bag ban

Angie Tana year ago18th May 2023News
Plastic bag market 160523
The The Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Ministry aims to enforce a full ban on the use of plastic bags starting 2025. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, May 18, 2023.

IN anticipation of resistance to a proposed ban on the use of plastic bags in 2025, business owners recommended that the government launch an educational campaign to prepare the public for it.

Businesses, in particular vendors and hawkers, must be made aware of the environmental problems that plastic bags pose, Malaysian Federation of Hawkers and Petty Traders Associations president Voon Chin Leong said.

“Roll out the campaign as soon as possible. There are only two years to 2025. It’s not easy to change habits overnight,” Voon told The Malaysian Insight.

He said traders, particularly those who deal in food and produce, find the plastic bag convenient.

“What should they use when plastic bags are banned? If the government wants a smooth transition, it must do something,” said Voon.

“The government has tried unsuccesfully in the past to enforce the ban.”

That is why it is important for the government to educate the people beforehand, he added.

He said people in other countries understand the importance of protecting the environment and are willing to work with the government to do so

“I believe this can also be done in our country.”

Most people in Malaysia are aware of the impact of plastics on the environment. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, May 18, 2023.

Federation of Sundry Goods Merchants Associations of Malaysia president Hong Chee Meng said it is the people in less urban areas who need education.

“They are always asking for plastic bags.”

Hong said people living in major cities like Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Johor are aware of the impact of plastics on the environment.

“It’s time to focus on the people in the suburban areas. There’s just not enough education on environmental awareness.”

Hong was certain that rows would ensure if suburban outlets were to charge its patrons 20 sen for each plastic bag.

“Two years is enough time but the government must have an education campaign. The people need to be educated.”

Sarawak results

Malaysia-Singapore Coffee Shop Proprietors’ General Association deputy president Hii Hung Yii said more coffee shops have stopped the use of plastic straws and bags.

He said they have opted to use eco-friendly straws and paper boxes for takeaways.

“Some are even encouraging their customers to bring their own containers for takeaway orders. After all, it is not healthy to pack hot food in plastic bags,” said Hii, who is also the president of the Bintulu Coffeeshop and Restaurant Association.

Hii said the Sarawak government in 2017 embarked on a successful campaign to reduce the use of plastic bags and straws.

He said the use of plastic bags and straws in coffee shops have dropped by 80%.

“Fortunately for us, the customers are positive about what the government is trying to do and are willing to cooperate. So I believe the target to completely ban the use of plastic bags by 2025 can be achieved.”

The Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Ministry has set its sights on a full ban on the use of plastic bags starting 2025.

Its minister Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said the ban will be implemented in stores and restaurants. – May 18, 2023.
